Wednesday, August 13, 2008


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A study undertaken by the WHO in our country as well as in some of the other Asian Countries shows that a person in order to maintain a healthy body must eat a minimum of 285 gm of vegetables daily.
These 285 gm of vegetables have to be sourced as under:
Root Vegetables 85 gm
Leafy Vegetables 115 gm
Other Vegetables 85 gm
Total: 285 gm
Our present average consumption of vegetables is 70 gm per head per day. To reach the targeted figure it becomes necessary for each house owner to grow some vegetables.
Vegetables can be grown on any open of water should be the main consideration. A rectangle garden is preferred to a square one. and sunny space available in your plot. The availability It should also have proper drainage facility.
Vegetable plants like any other plant need love and care to grow and yield a bountiful harvest. A daily hour spent with your plants in the Kitchen Garden can do wonders.

Depending upon the land available a Kitchen Garden can be spread over 50 to 500 Sq. Meters of land.

For a family of 3-4 members about 100 Sq. Meters is sufficient. A model Kitchen Garden layout is shown below:
The plants in the Kitchen Garden require a good amount of fertilisation for proper growth.
The major nutrients needed for plant growth:
Each of the above nutrient have different functions and should be applied without hesitation.
The suggested balance of the requirement is 10:26:26. If you are not at home at mixing your own fertiliser mix, it is suggested to use IFFCO 12:32:16 which meets all the plant requirement.
A Basel dose of the above mentioned fertiliser is to be applied before sowing or transplanting at
the rate of 125 to 150 gms per 6 Sq. Meter bed.

This is to be followed by two top dressings of Urea also at the same rate i.e. 125 to 150 gm per 6 Sq. Meter bed. The first top dressing is to be applied after 25-30 days of the sowing or the transplantation and the second one should be applied after 40-45 days of the sowing or the transplantation. After the application of the top dressing, the beds should be irrigated .
The soil should be made thoroughly wet once a week. However, if you observe that the plants do require water as indicated by drooping leaves etc., you may apply light irrigation to the plants.Growing a Kitchen Garden means:
Save money
Ensure a fresh availability of vegetables
Exercises of the body
A thrill to see your vegetables grow

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